Institute Fellows
These colleagues, from gerontology and other academic disciplines and professional practice, pursue research related to advancing our understanding of the experience of aging.
Matthew Alcusky, PhD, PharmD
Associate Professor of Epidemiology, UMass Chan Medical School
Epidemiology and pharmacotherapy in aging populations, health policy, Medicaid payment and delivery system reform, nursing home care
Jaqueline Contrera Avila, PhD
Assistant Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Social determinants of older adult health, tobacco-related disparities among older adults, cross-national comparisons of health and aging
Carolyne Arnold, PhD
Associate Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Public health
Ellen Birchander, MS, MSW
Lecturer, Graduate Program Director of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Health and physical aspects of aging, social aspects of aging, psychology of aging
Kathrin Boerner
Head of Prevention and Rehabilitation Research, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg
Adult development and aging, coping with chronic illness, end of life, bereavement
Ann Bookman Buehrens, PhD
Adjunct faculty, UMass Boston
Ellen Bruce, JD
Former Associate Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Natasha Bryant, MA
Senior Director of Workforce Research & Development, LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston
Jeffrey Burr
Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Social demography of aging, household composition and living arrangements, race and ethnicity in aging populations, labor force participation in later life, productive activity in later life
Verena Cimarolli, PhD
Director of Health Services Research and Partnerships, LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston
Coping with chronic Illness, quality of care in nursing homes, family caregiving, Alzheimer's Disease and dementia care, LTSS workforce
Marc A. Cohen, PhD
Co-Director, Leading Age LTSS Center @UMass Boston
Research Director, Center for Consumer Engagement and Health System Transformation, Community Catalyst
Financing long-term services and supports, private long-term care insurance, fall prevention, service utilization patterns of disabled elders, family caregiving, care management and care transitions, managing long-term services and supports populations
Caitlin Coyle, PhD
Director, Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging, UMass Boston
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Social aspects of health and community living with a specific emphasis on social isolation among older adults, aging with lifelong disability, mixed methods
Elizabeth Dugan, PhD
Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Driving/transportation and aging, health and aging, health politics and policy, aging and long-term care
Len Fishman, JD
Former Director, Gerontology Institute at UMass Boston
Health policy, LTSS policy and management, leadership
Janice Foust, PhD, RN
Associate Professor of Nursing, UMass Boston
Post-hospital medication management, transitional care, gerontological nursing, inter-professional education
Priscilla Gazarian, PhD
Associate Professor of Nursing, UMass Boston
Preventable hospital harm, patient engagement, self-management, nurse decision-making, critical decision method
Lillian Glickman, PhD
Former Co-Director, Management of Aging Services program, UMass Boston
Aging services, management and career development
Alison S. Gottlieb, PhD
Health care disparities, aging and disability, long-term care workforce
Laura L. Hayman, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA
Professor of Nursing, UMass Boston
Child and adolescent health, prevention of obesity and cardiovascular disease, health promotion across the life course, social and behavioral determinants of health
Jennifer Hefele, PhD
Health Services Researcher, Booz Allen Hamilton
Long-term and post-acute care, healthcare for older adults, healthcare quality, patient experience/perspectives, and racial and ethnic disparities and equity
Joan Hyde, PhD
Senior housing, assisted living, assistive technology, Alzheimer's disease and dementia care, long-term care policy
William Jesdale, PhD
Assistant Professor of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences, UMass Chan Medical School
Influence of social and environmental factors on health, Racial residential segregation, Discrimination, Spatial epidemiology, Place-based measures of the social environment, Gay men’s health, Working with large datasets
Michael Johnson, PhD
Professor of Public Policy and Public Affairs, UMass Boston
Management science planning models for public-sector facility location and service delivery, with applications to assisted housing and senior services
Helen Kerschner, PhD
President and CEO, Beverly Foundation
Driving/transportation and aging
Kyungmin Kim, PhD
Assistant Professor of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University, Korea
Associate Director, Advanced CEO Program for Well-Aging & Senior Business, Seoul, Korea
Generational family patterns and well-being, intergenerational relations, individual development
Kate Lapane, PhD
Professor of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences, UMass Chan Medical School
Nursing home research, use of large administrative data sources for observational research, geriatric pharmacoepidemiology, advanced epidemiologic/statistical methods to reduce bias in observational studies, comparative effectiveness/safety studies
Chae Man Lee, PhD
Healthcare Data Analyst, Center on Aging at University of Connecticut Health
Health disparities among racially ethnically diverse populations, community-based interventions/health promotion, age-friendly communities, driving safety and aging, quantitative analysis, GIS spatial analysis
Haeok Lee, PhD, RN
Professor of Nursing, UMass Boston
Community-based research, health equity, population health, cancer prevention, dementia, health literacy, storytelling interventions, global health
Suzanne Leveille, PhD, RN
Professor Emerita of Nursing, UMass Boston
Epidemiology of aging, disability and falls, chronic pain, gerontological nursing, research methods
Harry Margolis
Partner, Margolis Bloom & D’Agostino, Risking Old Age in America Substack
Writing on how the United States can prepare for the coming elder care crisis when the older baby boomers begin reaching their late 80s in about a decade
Kate Martin, MD, MPH, MBA, MS
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Intersection of aging and disabilities, intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, coordination of care, human-centered design
Erin McGaffigan, PhD
Founder, Collective Insight
Consumer advisory committee practices, development of participant direction models, peer support strategies, cross-disability advocacy groups in policy design
Edward A. Miller, PhD
Professor and Chair of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Federal and state policies affecting vulnerable populations (including frail and disabled older adults, mentally ill, veterans, and urban underserved), aging and long-term care, telemedicine, e-health
Michael Miller, MPP
Director of Strategic Policy, Community Catalyst
Joann Montepare, PhD
Professor of Psychology, Director of Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies, Lasell University
Age-Friendly University (AFU) initiative, intergenerational teaching and learning, personal and social perception of aging
Jan Mutchler, PhD
Professor of Gerontology, Director of Gerontology Institute, UMass Boston
Diversity in aging populations, intergenerational support in later life, health disparities in later life, economic security, social demography of aging populations
Pamela Nadash, PhD
Associate Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Nursing home and home health care, long-term care funding/Medicaid, consumer-directed services in England
Laurie Nsiah-Jefferson, PhD
Director, Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, UMass Boston
Intersectionality, social and health policy, diversity, equity and inclusion
Sung Park, PhD
Assistant Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Minority aging, economic inequalities, work as a social determinant of health, caregiving, immigration, social demography
Frank Porell, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Outcome-based quality indicators of nursing home performance measurement, profiling the disability risks of community elders, hospitalization of nursing home residents, market supply behavior of home healthcare agencies, long-run consequences of sentinel injuries on older adults
Lien T. Quach, PhD, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Urban Public Health, UMass Boston
Aging, risk factors of falls and fall prevention in later life, social medicine, HIV infection and infectious diseases, global health
Patricia Rivard, MBA
Gerontology Consultant, UMass Boston
Home and community-based services and supports systems, performance measures and quality improvement in community-based settings, assessment and service plan development systems
Jason Rodriquez, PhD
Associate Professor of Sociology, UMass Boston
Medical sociology, care work, work and occupations, health and aging, health services organizations, sociology of mental health, emotions, qualitative methodology
Harmehr Sekhon, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Associate Scientist, Collaborator Scientist, McGill University, St. Mary's Research Centre, Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
Technology interventions (virtual reality, robotics, sensors), randomized controlled trials (RCTs), mental health, older adults, dementia
Penelope Shaw, PhD
Aging and disability advocate, writer and speaker
Lived experience of aging, disability, nursing home safety/quality/improvement, health environments, rights and empowerment, person-directed care, design barriers, age-friendly communities, economic insecurity
Xiamei Shi, MA
Senior Statistician, Matrix Health Network
Long-term care, health policy, health claim and health care assessment data
Nina Silverstein, PhD
Professor Emerita of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Alzheimer's disease and dementia care, driving/transportation and aging, residential options/home and community-based long-term care
Qian Song, PhD
Assistant Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Health disparities in later life, social determinants of health, intersection of migration, families, institutional discrimination, and health
Jeffrey Stokes, PhD
Assistant Professor of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Marriage and family, aging and life course, health and well-being, neighborhood effects, bereavement
Robyn Stone, DrPH
Senior Vice President of Research, LeadingAge, Co-Director, LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston
Long-term services and supports policy; long-term services and supports workforce recruitment and retention; service-enriched affordable housing for older adults; nursing home culture change and quality; climate change and older adults
Jane Tavares, PhD
Senior Research Fellow, LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston
Working with large-scale representative panel data such as the HRS Study, social relationships and social participation associated with various aspects of health
Eileen Tell, MPH
Principal and CEO, ET Consulting LLC
Long-term care
Shuangshuang (Wendy) Wang, PhD
Gerontology Program Leader, Institute on Health Aging, Shandong University, China
Healthy aging; age- and dementia-friendly community development, transportation safety among older adults, family relations in later life, home-based medical care
Susan Whitbourne, PhD
Lecturer of Gerontology, UMass Boston
Personality and cognitive processes throughout adulthood, longitudinal study of personality from college through retirement
Tongjian You, PhD
Professor and Chair of Exercise and Health Sciences, UMass Boston
Metabolic and physical dysfunctions associated with obesity and aging, lifestyle interventions through physical exercise, mind-body exercise, new technology
Yiyang Yuan, PhD, MPH, MS
Assistant Professor of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences, UMass Chan Medical School
physical frailty, cognitive impairment, and depressive symptoms among older adults; heterogeneities and trajectories of aging-related conditions
Lingling Zhang, ScD, FAMIA
Associate Professor of Nursing, UMass Boston
Health equity, health care delivery system, technology-enabled health interventions, aging and quality of fife, cognitive health, human resources for health, community health, quality of care